Some Thoughts on Entrepreneurship from Saras Sarasvathy & Narayan Murthy
Written on Saturday, September 05, 2015 by Siddharth PV
Source: The Corporate Dossier : Sept 4, 2015
Capitalism believes in equality of opportunity as compared to the communist ideology - which talks of equality of outcomes.
Also - when Murthy started Infosys - he was very clear -
"We will earn the respect of all stake holders."
- Which is akin to saying we will deliver so much value to all stake holders, that they will start respecting us
- 'Delivering value' is the action, 'respect' is the outcome
Saras Sarasvathy:
Creating jobs is what is required. Now, either you can be a small entrepreneur who starts his small thing - or you can be one of the scale up entrepreneurs who sees the start ups around him and offers his talents to scale up the offering to a larger level.
Most MNCs have been successful because they have EMBRACED Scale,
- compare this with Subroto Bagchi's thoughts in 'The Elephant Catchers' where he speaks about how it is important to mentally 'embrace the idea of scale' to be able to do it effectively.
That is to say that - scaling will NOT be easy. A large part of it will be difficult and uncomfortable. You have to mentally commit to it.
Only then will it work out.