Thoughts - Wake Up Sid
Written on Wednesday, June 02, 2010 by Siddharth PV
I just saw the first 15-20 minutes of Wake UP Sid - the movie and something which struck me instantly about Sid's character was the simplicity in his decision making. He seemed like someone who has kept life really uncomplicated for himself. No wonder then that he was able to take decisions so easily. And at some level, I did feel very very envious of him. I look at myself in the past few weeks and I see that my thinking has been becoming more and more muddled - my decision making more and more convoluted - and it wasn't this way at all times. Surely something needs to be put back in order.
Frankly, I do not want to get into the nitty-gritty of whether Sid's attitude towards life was correct – to each his own, I say. What I want to focus on is what made it possible for Sid to take the decisions so easily? And how can I go (back) to such a state?
The reason that Sid could take those decisions so fluently was probably that he had his motivations absolutely clear. He knew himself and what he wanted very well. As a result, he could act in accordance with his heart rather easily. And acting in accordance with one's heart / one's basic motivations is one of the most liberating experiences. If you are truly acting in accordance with your heart, you act without the overhanging sword of any doubt. You give it your all because the motivation for the action comes from one's basic nature and motivations – it is not driven by any false pretenses, external influences, etc.
Now, when I look back at my recent actions/decisions and single out the decisions / actions which I was not completely satisfied with – I realize that those decisions/actions were very highly influenced by my environment. That is probably the reason that I have not been feeling too happy about those decisions/actions.
Frankly, I do not want to get into the nitty-gritty of whether Sid's attitude towards life was correct – to each his own, I say. What I want to focus on is what made it possible for Sid to take the decisions so easily? And how can I go (back) to such a state?
The reason that Sid could take those decisions so fluently was probably that he had his motivations absolutely clear. He knew himself and what he wanted very well. As a result, he could act in accordance with his heart rather easily. And acting in accordance with one's heart / one's basic motivations is one of the most liberating experiences. If you are truly acting in accordance with your heart, you act without the overhanging sword of any doubt. You give it your all because the motivation for the action comes from one's basic nature and motivations – it is not driven by any false pretenses, external influences, etc.
Now, when I look back at my recent actions/decisions and single out the decisions / actions which I was not completely satisfied with – I realize that those decisions/actions were very highly influenced by my environment. That is probably the reason that I have not been feeling too happy about those decisions/actions.
It's time to set this right. After all, if I don't clear up this surrounding clutter (environmental influences) right away, I will probably lose touch with my basic motivations (typical case of the signal getting lost in too much noise).
Of course – I am not saying that one should not listen to others' inputs (opinions / views / reviews). That would be a folly. But one must be on guard and avoid these inputs from becoming unconditional influences (sometimes its ends up being that way out of sheer repetitiveness).
In fact, I believe it is important to seek feedback. But one must take it objectively and not let it become an overarching dictat.
Of course – I am not saying that one should not listen to others' inputs (opinions / views / reviews). That would be a folly. But one must be on guard and avoid these inputs from becoming unconditional influences (sometimes its ends up being that way out of sheer repetitiveness).
In fact, I believe it is important to seek feedback. But one must take it objectively and not let it become an overarching dictat.

Wake up sid was a gr8 film... It reminded me(and i guess many of us) of my past in many ways where I did'nt think of the future or consequences of my actions.
"What I want to focus on is what made it possible for Sid to take the decisions so easily? "
Sid did not take any decision easily. He flunked and he blamed it on his friends. He was kicked out of the house by his dad and only then he realized that he needed money to survive.
The thing to note here is that he chose to earn that money by doing something he loves. And he did not flinch while deciding that!
@ Shanks -
While I agree with what you have pointed out, what I was actually referring to was the very beginning of the film - the part wherein Sid simply decides that he just wants to have a good time today.
He is just very clear about what he wants to do..
Now - again, I must emphasize that lets not start judging Sid. Lets instead focus on the fact that he is just very clear about what he wants to do (that he just wants to have fun - and he doesn't have any second thoughts about that).
I was referring to that clarity in decision making.
(I know that we might think 'What's difficult about making a decision like that? I mean, you are always ON for a good time!
But I have no comments on that.)
In fact - he was very clear that he doesn't like his Dad's business.. And so he didn't join, whereas that would have been the easy way.. Since he was in touch with his basic motivations, he took up what came most naturally to him - photography!
And I would like to focus on this aspect - I believe its worth trying hard to guide this self awareness - it does make a BIG difference indeed.