3 types of employees...

Written on Thursday, December 17, 2009 by Siddharth PV

An interesting thought from Ramki:
There are 3 types of employees:
1. Active Participants:
They are the ones who actively seek opportunities to improve the company. They are a motivated lot. The ideal state to be in a company.

2. Those who do what they are told

3. Those who spread negativity
Definitely not the state to be in.

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3 types of employees...

An interesting thought from Ramki:
There are 3 types of employees:
1. Active Participants:
They are the ones who actively seek opportunities to improve the company. They are a motivated lot. The ideal state to be in a company.

2. Those who do what they are told

3. Those who spread negativity
Definitely not the state to be in.