Sure shot way to impress your senior...

Written on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 by Siddharth PV

... might seem like a continuation of the ownership post
... and we are talking about really talented STUD seniors who you look up to

well the answer to this could be summarised in 1 line...
think like your senior and then go a further 10%...

another gem from SK-
understanding PEOPLE around you is as important than doing a good job...

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Sure shot way to impress your senior...

... might seem like a continuation of the ownership post
... and we are talking about really talented STUD seniors who you look up to

well the answer to this could be summarised in 1 line...
think like your senior and then go a further 10%...

another gem from SK-
understanding PEOPLE around you is as important than doing a good job...