Some marketing fundas...

Written on Tuesday, December 09, 2008 by Siddharth PV

What to include in a brochure and what not to?

When highlighting the cool things about ur product -
you must still mention those features that are present in other products

a little like a patent....
the components A,B,C can still be same...
but the extra D that you will add will make the whole thing really unique...

plus, on the other hand ---
if you dont mention the obvious features which everyone offers -
people might start doubting your product saying ----

dude, this one lacks the basic features!.!.! :P

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Some marketing fundas...

What to include in a brochure and what not to?

When highlighting the cool things about ur product -
you must still mention those features that are present in other products

a little like a patent....
the components A,B,C can still be same...
but the extra D that you will add will make the whole thing really unique...

plus, on the other hand ---
if you dont mention the obvious features which everyone offers -
people might start doubting your product saying ----

dude, this one lacks the basic features!.!.! :P