More Mentoring...

Written on Tuesday, December 02, 2008 by Siddharth PV

A new BD manager joined the team today.
He seems to know his job and so will be able to guide us all much better.
One thing I have been promised is- there will be more mentoring- more
knowledge sharing-
am really looking forward to it

reminds me of a saying-
if you are in a room full of people where everybody is smarter than
you, then you are at a most enviable position indeed!

good to see talented people being hired.
more smarter ppl arnd me

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More Mentoring...

A new BD manager joined the team today.
He seems to know his job and so will be able to guide us all much better.
One thing I have been promised is- there will be more mentoring- more
knowledge sharing-
am really looking forward to it

reminds me of a saying-
if you are in a room full of people where everybody is smarter than
you, then you are at a most enviable position indeed!

good to see talented people being hired.
more smarter ppl arnd me