Some Ideas - Luck by Chance...

Written on Monday, February 02, 2009 by Siddharth PV

Saw Luck By Chance today.

The movie is quite good. Worth watching once.

The best part however was - it reminded me of some of my older fundas...

For instance -

1. There is a smart WAY TO GET THINGS THAT YOU WANT -
   Just try asking for them.

   When you really want something - go ahead and say 'I want this'
   Most people are reasonable. If they can give it to you without too much pain - they will give it to you.

   Else - they will tell you WHAT STOPS YOU FROM HAVING THAT THING.
   (They could be rude in replying. But finally you will know what it takes to have 'IT')

   In short - asking for it will TAKE YOU ONE STEP CLOSER to getting it.

2. Make your OWN CHANCES.
   The more you try your luck - the luckier you get.  

3. Bank on yourself. Give yourself a CHANCE.

4. Always know WHAT you WANT for Yourself.

5. Just chose to be happy.

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  1. Suyog |

    Else - they will tell you WHAT STOPS YOU FROM HAVING THAT THING.

    Said in a very subtle way but makes lots of sense. this is quite true

  2. rahul |

    I read almost all of your blogs in one go ... really interesting !!!


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Some Ideas - Luck by Chance...

Saw Luck By Chance today.

The movie is quite good. Worth watching once.

The best part however was - it reminded me of some of my older fundas...

For instance -

1. There is a smart WAY TO GET THINGS THAT YOU WANT -
   Just try asking for them.

   When you really want something - go ahead and say 'I want this'
   Most people are reasonable. If they can give it to you without too much pain - they will give it to you.

   Else - they will tell you WHAT STOPS YOU FROM HAVING THAT THING.
   (They could be rude in replying. But finally you will know what it takes to have 'IT')

   In short - asking for it will TAKE YOU ONE STEP CLOSER to getting it.

2. Make your OWN CHANCES.
   The more you try your luck - the luckier you get.  

3. Bank on yourself. Give yourself a CHANCE.

4. Always know WHAT you WANT for Yourself.

5. Just chose to be happy.