The comfort in avoiding thinking...

Written on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 by Siddharth PV

The last weekend was a really hectic one-
Meeting neighbours
Going out with office colleagues (initially SOUL and then Barista)
Night out at Y's place
Guitar class

Lots of (sometimes mindless) activity... very little time spent thinking...
its great to live in the moment- but it is advisable to spend some
time everyday strategising about the future-
thinking does throw up some uncomfortable questions- but they are
worth answering.

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The comfort in avoiding thinking...

The last weekend was a really hectic one-
Meeting neighbours
Going out with office colleagues (initially SOUL and then Barista)
Night out at Y's place
Guitar class

Lots of (sometimes mindless) activity... very little time spent thinking...
its great to live in the moment- but it is advisable to spend some
time everyday strategising about the future-
thinking does throw up some uncomfortable questions- but they are
worth answering.